Weight Management




Free swim and gym - Southwark

Southwark residents can use swimming and gym facilities for free in all of the council leisure centres. Click the link for more information.

Call 020 7525 2000 or visit the website


Health Visiting Service

Health visitors provide a child and family focused service that promotes health and well-being and prevents ill health. All children under 5 should have a named health visitor

Click here to visit the website 


My Time Active (MEND)

“Service for Parents and Children
Fit for Life – A free 8 week group weight management and exercise programme.”

Call 0208 962 4277, email info@silverfit.org.uk or visit the website


One You Kensington and Chelsea

The chances of successfully losing weight and changing unhealthy habits forever are increased with us working alongside you. One You Kensington and Chelsea has a range of free services available beginning with our Health Coaches who have the specialist knowledge and experience to advise and guide you each step of the way, changing bad habits and showing you how to lose weight for good.

Click here to visit the website