Homeless Support




240 Project

Based in West London, 240Project is an established Arts and Health Activity Centre for those affected by homelessness and exclusion.

Call 0207 2217 530, email info@240project.org.uk or visit the website 


Centre Point

Centrepoint provides homeless young people with accommodation, health support and life skills to get them back into education, training and employment.

Call 0800 587 5158, email supportercare@centrepoint.org or visit the website


Glass Door

Homeless Charity, providing support services for men and women affected by homelessness. The offer a Drop-in service at Chelsea Methodist Church,155a King’s Road, SW3 5TX, on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays between 9am and 2pm. Women only drop-in on Wednesdays between 3pm and 5pm. Access to showers, casework service, a GP, clothing store, laundry facilities and a free lunch. Access is limited to 100 people.

Call 020 7351 4948 or visit the website


Kensington & Chelsea Homelessness Support Team

If you are homeless or being threatened with homelessness, you should contact the Council immediately.

Call 020 7361 3982/3 / 020 7373 6099 / 020 7361 3484 or visit the website


Emergency Housing if You’re Homeless

Information and advice for Emergency housing if you’re homeless.

Click here to visit the website



If you’re homeless or are at risk of becoming homeless, they can help you: find a safe home and settle in learn, get an education and skills training find work and apply for jobs look after your health and well-being volunteer and meet new people.

Click here to visit the website


Homeless Link

National membership charity for organisations working directly with people who become homeless in England. We work to make services better, provide information on local support services and campaign for policy change that will help end homelessness.

Call 020 8696 0943 or visit the website 



Shelter offers help to millions of people every year struggling with homelessness or bad housing situations through providing through their advice and legal support services.

Call 0808 800 4444 or visit the website